Keratin Oscar

Identifies many members of the cytokeratin group of cytoskeletal proteins and reacts with most epithelial types, including bile ducts and hepatocytes in liver, bladder epithelium, breast ducts, bronchial epithelium, endometrium, intestinal epithelium of stomach, duodenum, ileum, colon, rectum, pancreas, ovarian epithelium, pancreatic acini, pituitary acini, pneumocytes, prostate, thyroid, skin (positive on the basal layer), and apocrine and sweat glands. In tumors, it is reactive with most carcinomas, including breast, transitional cell, renal cell, lung adenocarcinoma, lung small cell, lung squamous cell, endometrial, prostate, ovarian, hepatocellular, colorectal CA, stomach, and thyroid. It is negative in certain normal tissues, including brain, lymphocytes and all cells of hematolymphoid origin, muscle, brain, nerves, endothelium, and in certain tumors including most melanomas, sarcomas, lymphomas, primitive neuroectodermal tumors, and gastrointestinal and stromal tumors. It is positive on some dendritic cells in lymph nodes, some endothelia, and some muscle cells.

Turnaround Time
24 hrs
Specimen Requirements

A formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded (FFPE) tissue block is preferred specimen typeorOne (1) unbaked, unstained slide for H&E staining (required) and two to three (2-3) positively charged unstained slides (all cut at 4-5 microns) for each test/antibody orderedBlock and slide identifiers should be clearly written and match exactly with the specimen ID and specimen labeling as noted on the requisition.

Storage and Transportation

Use cold pack for transport. Make sure cold pack is not in direct contact with specimen.

CPT Codes
88342 x 1 or 88341 x 1