Hairy Cell Leukemia (HCL) Add-On Flow Panel

Used to diagnose hairy cell leukemia and hairy cell leukemia-variant. Available as global only. This add-on panel is available to clarify findings on samples currently having flow cytometry analysis at Vitro Molecular Laboratories. Markers are CD11c, CD19, CD20, CD22, CD25, CD45, CD103, kappa, and lambda (9 markers).

Turnaround Time
24-48 hrs (Global only)
Flow Cytometry
Specimen Requirements

Flow cytometry testing can be performed on bone marrow aspirate, peripheral blood, fresh bone marrow core biopsy, unfixed tissue, and body fluids. Please see full specimen requirements for either Standard Leukemia/Lymphoma Panel

Storage and Transportation

Refrigerate specimen. Do not freeze. Use cold pack for transport, making sure cold pack is not in direct contact with specimen.

CPT Codes
88184(x1), 88185(x8), 88188(x1)